.my DOMAIN REGISTRY (MYNIC): Domain Transfer Registrant

When do we need to submit Domain Transfer Registrant for .my domain name?
-This process only applies if you want to transfer a domain name from one Registrant to
another Registrant
-The new Registrant will be sent a new invoice for the domain name covering the period beginning on the transfer date.

Domain Transfer Registrant Procedures

1) Login at https://domainmanager.mynic.my/Mynic-ViewController-context-root/faces/PB/UserLogin.jsp

2) Enter your login details and click “Login”.
3) Note: If you have lost your Username or Password, please click on the "Forget Username" and "Forget Password" link to retrieve.
4) Enter the related Code(Mynic Handle) and click on "Submit" button.
5) Note: You may find your Code(Mynic Handle) for your domain contact through the WHOIS services found at http://whois. domainregistry.my/index.jsp



-Under “Domain” tab, select “Transfer Domain”.

-Enter “[Domain Name]” and Select “[Domain Extension]”.

-Under Search Results, tick the domain you want to modify and click “Transfer”.

-Changes Option for Registrant Details, Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:

-REMAIN: Select “Existing Contact Code” and enter the Code
-CHANGE: Select “New Contact” and enter the details
-SAME CONTACT: Select the related “Identical as Administrative Contact / Technical Contact”

6) Changes Option for Primary Name Server, Secondary Name Server:

REMAIN: Select “Existing Name Server” and enter the Code
CHANGE: Select “New Name Server” and enter the details (hostname and IP address)

7) Invoicing Party - Select GB Network Solutions Sdn Bhd from Reseller list.

8) Click "Submit"

9) The new administrative email contact will receive an email on the subject "[date and coding] Application to transfer domain name(s)" to notify you that .my
Domain Registry(Mynic) have received your domain transfer request.

10) The new administrative email contact will also receive another email with the subject "[date and coding] Notification to transfer domain name(s)"
      to notify you that .my Domain Registry(Mynic) have received your instruction to TRANSFER the domain name(s).
      **NOTE: Please take note that the domain name will be deleted after fourteen (14) days from the date of this e-mail and will then be transferred to the new registrant (New                   Company Name).

11) The new administrative email contact will receive an email on the subject "[date and coding] Delete (transfer) domain name(s)" to notify you that the domain
      name(s) has been deleted for transfer purposes.

12) GB Network Solutions Sdn Bhd will proceed to make payment to .my Domain Registry(Mynic) upon receiving email withsubject "[date and coding] Delete (transfer) domain name(s)",      provided we have received "Domain Transfer Registrant Fee" from our client.

13) .my Domain Registry(Mynic) will verify the payment and supporting document(if needed), then will proceed to approve
     your domain and you will receive a final email with the subject " [date and coding] Registered Domain Name(s)"

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