If you want to host a website for a domain as an addon domain, you can use cPanel's Addon Domain feature.

STEP 1: Login into your cPanel using the username and password provided.

STEP 2: Upon login, select Addon Domains under the Domains section.

STEP 3: Next, you will need to fill out the details of the addon domain.

New Domain Name: Enter the domain name without www

Subdomain: The subdomain of the domain. cPanel automatically configures an additional FTP user for this domain

Document Root: Directory of the domain will be located in the document root

FTP Account (Optional): If you want to create an FTP account associated with this Addon Domain, you may click on the checkbox and fill in the FTP password. Otherwise, you may skip this step.

STEP 4: Click the Add Domain button to confirm your changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your addon domain.

If you need any further assistance, do contact us at support@gbnetwork.my

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