To create an email account in Plesk, follow these steps:

STEP 1 Log into Plesk

STEP 2: Go to the Mail tab and click Create Email Address.


STEP 3: Now you will need to enter details to create an email address. Then, click OK.

Email address: A name of your email account

External email address: Will be used to reset your password if you lose access to the primary email address

Password: Your password

Confirm password: Retype the above password

Mailbox: Specify the mailbox size or use the default size (unlimited)


STEP 4: Now you have successfully created an email account. Click on the mailbox icon on the right side of the page.


STEP 5: Enter your email address for username and password. Then click Login.


STEP 6: You will see the webmail page.

Congratulations! You have successfully created an email account in Plesk Control Panel. 

If you need any further assistance, do contact us at

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