
Q: Does it cost any expenses to transfer a domain?

Answer : Yes For example, the price for transfer is RM45 for .comIf you transfer the domain...

Can i transfer another domain to share the same VPS?

Question : Can i transfer another domain to share the same VPS? My current domain will expired...

Domain Name FAQs

1) What is a domain name? Domain name is a unique name that identifies an Internet site. It...

Domain Privacy

Domain Privacy : 1) It will protect and hide all the information of the domain buyers. 2) Any...

How long does it take to transfer a domain?

Q: How long does it take to transfer a domain? A: To transfer a domain takes about 7-14 days...

How to Renew Domains ?

Steps to Renew Domains : 1) Log in to our GB Network Client Area at (...

How to use Google DNS server ?

How to use Google DNS server? How to use Google DNS server 1) Open your Control Panel 2)...

Manage DNS

Manage DNS You can change which service your domain uses for its website and email by managing...

NS Server Pointing

GB Network Solutions NS Server Pointing : Nameserver 1: ns1.gbnetdns.com...

Park Domain

Park Domain Registries require the use of name servers or hosts for every domain...

Point Domain .MY to Blogspot

There is two way to point.MY domain to Blogspot. If you use our default nameserver, you can...

Point domain name to Blogspot

To use a custom domain name to point it to your blog at Blogger, three steps are involved.1. You...

Q : How to change nameservers?

Q: How to change nameservers? A: Steps to change nameservers : 1) First, access our client area...

What Is The Difference Between A Sub-Domain, Parked Domain And An Add-on Domain?

What Is The Difference Between A Sub-Domain, Parked Domain And An Add-on Domain?

What is DNS ?

What is DNS ? DNS, which stands for domain name system, controls your domain name's website and...

What is Domain Name ?

Domain Name A domain name locates an organization or other entity on the Internet. For example,...

What is a subdomain?

What is Subdomains? Subdomains are extensions of your domain name that you can forward to URLs...