What is a DNS Cache?

A DNS cache (sometimes called a DNS resolver cache) is a temporary database, maintained by a computer's operating system.
A DNS cache contains records of all recent visits and attempted visits to Web sites and other Internet domains.

The Purpose of DNS Caches :

The Internet relies on the Domain Name System (DNS) to maintain an index of all public Web sites and their corresponding IP addresses.
Every time a user visits a Web site by its name, the user's Web browser initiates a request out to the Internet, but this request cannot be completed until the Web site name is converted into an IP address.

That conversion process (called : name resolution) is the job of DNS, and it takes time.
A DNS cache attempts to speed up the process by handling the name resolution before the request is sent out to the Internet.

Var dette svaret til hjelp? 27 brukere syntes dette svaret var til hjelp (106 Stemmer)