Q : How to Change Invoice Party
A: Step to Change Invoice Party
Note : If you want to make a domain renewal for your domain that will expired soon. We need you to change your Invoice Party.
Please be informed that transfer invoicing party can only be done by the Administrative or Billing Contact person.
Domain name status must not have expired.
The Administrative or Billing Contact person will then LOGIN at our website (http://mydomain.gbnetwork.my) and follow the subsequent steps.
1) Enter your username and password
2) Enter the right contact code for the right domain name
3) Under domain name 'Main Menu', click 'Modify Domain'.
In the "Modify Domain Name" screen directly click "Search" button below to show your domain list.
4) Then enter/choose your domain name and click 'Modify'.
5) Then, click 'Appoint a New Invoicing Party' box and choose your new reseller. Search for GB Network Solutions Sdn. Bhd.
Click 'Modify' again to complete the transfer procedure.
6) Lastly, check your email. Thanks you :)