Note: You may find your Code(Mynic Handle) for your domain contact through the WHOIS services found at:

1)Login here

2)Enter your login details and click “Login”.

3)Enter the related Code(Mynic Handle) and click on "Proceed" button.

4)Under “Domain” tab, select “Modify Domain”.

5)Enter “[Domain Name]” and Select your domain extension under “[Domain Extension]”. Click "Search".

6)Under Search Results, tick the domain you want to modify and click “Modify”.

7)Tick “Appoint / Modify Administrative Contact Record”.

8)If you just update the details, then select "Modify Existing Administrative Contact Record".

9)Select "Appoint A New Administrative Contact" if you wish to appoint new Administrative Contact.

10)If you have the new Administrative Contact Mynic Handle, then enter it in Existing MYNIC Handle. Otherwise, fill in the new technical contact information.

11)Click “Modify”.

12)Administrative Contact changed and a notification will be send to you through the contact person email address.

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