1. Open your Gmail account.

2. At the top right, click the Settings icon.

3. Select See all setting.

4. Select the Accounts and Import tab.


5. Under Send mail as section, click Add another email address.


6. Enter the information about your domain email address, then click Next Step.


7. Enter your SMTP Server information. Make sure you enter the correct mail server name and the corresponding port number. 

     If you are using the Secure SSL/TLS settings, make sure you select Port 465 from the Port drop-down menu.


     If you are using the Non-SSL settings, make sure you select Port 25 from the Port drop-down menu and check Unsecured connection.


     Then, click Add Account.

8. You will need to enter the confirmation code sent to your domain email account. Copy and paste the Google confirmation code sent from Google into the confirmation window. Then, click Verify.



9. Open Settings > Account and Import tab.


10. Under Check mail from other accounts section, click Add a mail account.


11. Enter your domain email account, then click Next.


12. Check the Import emails from my other account (POP3) box, then click Next.


13. Enter the mail settings for domain email account.

        If you are using the Secure SSL/TLS settings, make sure you select Port 995 from the Port drop-down menu.


  If you are using the Non-SSL settings, make sure you select Port 110 from the Port drop-down menu.


         When ready, click Add Account.

14. A Gmail confirmation email will sent to your Gmail. Click Gmail confirmation link to confirm your request.



15. Click Confirm.


The Gmail user may now send mail as your domain email account.

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